The Effect of Job Insecurity on Turnover Intention among Employees at Startup Companies in Jabodetabek
Turnover Intention, Job Insecurity, Start-Up CompanyAbstract
Winter tech refers to a significant decline in business activity and investment, leading to mass layoffs, bankupties, and uncertainty or instability. One of the impact of an unstable work environment is the increased level of job insecurity, which can influence employees intention to leave their jobs, known as turnover intention. Therefore, this study aims to identify the influence of job insecurity on employees turnover intention amid this phenomenon. The study employs a quantitative approach with a questionnaire as the data collection instrument and uses sample regression analysis to examine the influence between the two variables. The data collection technique used is purposive sampling, with respondents consisting of contract and permanent employees at company X, totaling 55 employees. The results of this study show a positive influence of job insecurity on employees turnover intention at company X by 34.9% with the remaining 65.1% influenced by other variables not tested in this study. In other words, if job insecurity increases, the intention to leave the job will increase, and conversely, if job insecurity dreases, the intention to leave the job will also decrease.
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